JWT verification
To learn more about what these properties mean read here.
Your app's name:*

This is the name of your application
API Domain:*

This is the URL of your app's API server.
API Base Path:

SuperTokens will expose it's APIs scoped by this base API path.
Website Domain:*

This is the URL of your website.
Website Base Path:

The path where the login UI will be rendered
Method 1) Using JWKS endpointSome libraries let you provide a JWKS endpoint to verify a JWT. The JWKS endpoint exposed by SuperTokens is availble at the following URL:
curl --location --request GET '<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth/jwt/jwks.json'
Below is an example for NodeJS showing how you can use jsonwebtoken
and jwks-rsa
together to achieve JWT verification using the jwks.json
import JsonWebToken, { JwtHeader, SigningKeyCallback } from 'jsonwebtoken';import jwksClient from 'jwks-rsa';
var client = jwksClient({ jwksUri: '<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth/jwt/jwks.json'});
function getKey(header: JwtHeader, callback: SigningKeyCallback) { client.getSigningKey(header.kid, function (err, key) { var signingKey = key!.getPublicKey(); callback(err, signingKey); });}
let jwt = "...";JsonWebToken.verify(jwt, getKey, {}, function (err, decoded) { let decodedJWT = decoded; // Use JWT});
Method 2) Using public key stringSome JWT verification libraries require you to provide the JWT secret / public key for verification. You can obtain the JWT secret from SuperTokens in the following way:
First, we query the
endpoint:curl --location --request GET '<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth/jwt/jwks.json' { "keys": [ { "kty": "RSA", "kid": "2de612a5-a5ba-413e-9216-4c43e2e78c86", "n": "AMZruthvYz7Ft-Dp0BC_SEEJaWK91s_YA-RR81iLJ6BTT6gJp0CcV4DfBynFU_59dRGOZyVQpAW6Drnc_6LyZpVWHROzqt-Fjh8TAqodayhPJVuZt25eQiYrqcaK_dnuHrm8qwUq-hko6q1o1o9NIIZWNfUBEVWmNhyAJFk5bi3pLwtKPYrUQzVLcTdDUe4SIltvvfpYHbVFnYtxkBVmqO68j7sI8ktmTXM_heals-W6WmozabDkC9_ITCeRat2f7A2l0t4QzO0ZCzZcJfhusF4X1niKgY6yYXpbX6is4HCfhYfdabcE52xYMNl-gw9XDjsIxfBMUDvOFRHWlx0rU8c=", "e": "AQAB", "alg": "RS256", "use": "sig" } ]}
Next, we run the NodeJS script below to convert the above output to a
file format.import jwkToPem from 'jwk-to-pem'; // This JWK is copied from the result of the above SuperTokens core requestlet jwk = { "kty": "RSA", "kid": "2de612a5-a5ba-413e-9216-4c43e2e78c86", "n": "AMZruthvYz7Ft-Dp0BC_SEEJaWK91s_YA-RR81iLJ6BTT6gJp0CcV4DfBynFU_59dRGOZyVQpAW6Drnc_6LyZpVWHROzqt-Fjh8TAqodayhPJVuZt25eQiYrqcaK_dnuHrm8qwUq-hko6q1o1o9NIIZWNfUBEVWmNhyAJFk5bi3pLwtKPYrUQzVLcTdDUe4SIltvvfpYHbVFnYtxkBVmqO68j7sI8ktmTXM_heals-W6WmozabDkC9_ITCeRat2f7A2l0t4QzO0ZCzZcJfhusF4X1niKgY6yYXpbX6is4HCfhYfdabcE52xYMNl-gw9XDjsIxfBMUDvOFRHWlx0rU8c=", "e": "AQAB", "alg": "RS256", "use": "sig"}; let certString = jwkToPem(jwk);
The above snippet would generate the following certificate string:
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAxmu62G9jPsW34OnQEL9IQQlpYr3Wz9gD5FHzWIsnoFNPqAmnQJxXgN8HKcVT/n11EY5nJVCkBboOudz/ovJmlVYdE7Oq34WOHxMCqh1rKE8lW5m3bl5CJiupxor92e4eubyrBSr6GSjqrWjWj00ghlY19QERVaY2HIAkWTluLekvC0o9itRDNUtxN0NR7hIiW2+9+lgdtUWdi3GQFWao7ryPuwjyS2ZNcz+F5qWz5bpaajNpsOQL38hMJ5Fq3Z/sDaXS3hDM7RkLNlwl+G6wXhfWeIqBjrJheltfqKzgcJ+Fh91ptwTnbFgw2X6DD1cOOwjF8ExQO84VEdaXHStTxwIDAQAB-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Now you can use the generated PEM string in your code like shown below:
import JsonWebToken from 'jsonwebtoken'; // Truncated for displaylet certificate = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhki...\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";let jwt = "...";JsonWebToken.verify(jwt, certificate, function (err, decoded) { let decodedJWT = decoded; // Use JWT});