Changing Field Labels and Placeholder text
If you would like to modify the fields in the login widget, by changing UI labels or placeholder text, you can do so by modifying the formFields
property when initializing SuperTokens on the frontend.
- ReactJS
- Angular
- Vue
- Plain JavaScript
- React Native
You can use the
You can refer to this example app as a reference for using the
SDK which exposes several helper functions that query the APIs exposed by the SuperTokens backend SDK.You can refer to this example app as a reference for using the
To use SuperTokens with React Native you need to use the
To add login functionality, you need to build your own UI and call the APIs exposed by the backend SDKs. You can find the API spec here
SDK. The SDK provides session management features.To add login functionality, you need to build your own UI and call the APIs exposed by the backend SDKs. You can find the API spec here
What type of UI are you using?
Prebuilt UICustom UI
What type of UI are you using?
Prebuilt UICustom UI
import SuperTokens from "supertokens-auth-react";import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword';import Session from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/session';
SuperTokens.init({ appInfo: { apiDomain: "...", appName: "...", websiteDomain: "..." }, recipeList: [ ThirdPartyEmailPassword.init({ signInAndUpFeature: { signUpForm: { formFields: [{ id: "email", label: "customFieldName", placeholder: "Custom value" }] } } }), Session.init() ]});