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Handling session tokens

If using our frontend SDK#

For Web#


No action required.

Our frontend SDK handles everything for you. You only need to make sure that you have called supertokens.init before making any network requests.

Our SDK adds interceptors to fetch and XHR (used by axios) to save and add session tokens from and to the request.

For React-Native#

Our frontend SDK handles everything for you. You only need to make sure that you have added our network interceptors as shown below

Do you use axios on your frontend?

For Android#

Which library are you using for networking?
HttpURLConnectionOkhttp / Retrofit

For iOS#

Which library are you using for networking?

If not using our frontend SDK#


We highly recommend using our frontend SDK to handle session token management. It will save you a lot of time.

In this case, you will need to manually handle the tokens and session refreshing:

On login#

The login API will return the following headers:

  • Set-Cookie: This will contain the sAccessToken, sRefreshToken, sIdRefreshToken cookies which will be httpOnly and will be automatically mananaged by the browser. For mobile apps, you will need to setup cookie handling yourself (or use our SDK - which does all this for you).

  • id-refresh-token header: The value of this token is meaningless, but it changes whenever a session refreshes. This is useful when synchronising session refreshes (read later).

  • front-token header: This contains information about the access token:

    • The userID

    • The expiry time of the access token

    • The payload added by you in the access token.

      Here is the structure of the token:

      let frontTokenFromRequestHeader = "...";let frontTokenDecoded = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(frontTokenFromRequestHeader))));console.log(frontTokenDecoded);/*{    ate: 1665226412455, // time in milliseconds for when the access token will expire, and then a refresh is required    uid: "....", // user ID    up: {        ...    } // custom payload added to the access token by you on the backend}

      This is required because you don't have access to the actual access token on the frontend (for security reasons), but may want to read its payload (for example to know the user's role). This token itself is not signed and hence can't be used in place of the access token itself.

      You want to save this token in localstorage or in frontend cookies (using document.cookies).

  • anti-csrf header (optional): By default it's not required, so it's not sent. But if this is sent, you should save this token as well for use when making requests.

Making network requests to protected APIs#

The sAccessToken and sIdRefreshToken will get attached to the request automatically by the browser. Other than that, you need to add the following headers to the request:

  • rid: "anti-csrf" - this prevents against anti-CSRF requests. If your apiDomain and websiteDomain values are exactly the same, then this is not necessary.
  • anti-csrf header (optional): If this was provided to you during login, then you need to add that token as the value of this header.
  • You need to set the credentials header to true or include. This is achieved different based on the library you are using to make requests.

An API call can potentially update the sAccessToken and front-token tokens, for example if you call the mergeIntoAccessTokenPayload function on the session object on the backend. This kind of update is reflected in the response headers for your API calls. The headers will contain new values for:

  • sAccessToken: This will be as a new Set-Cookie header and will be managed by the browser automatically.
  • front-token: This should be read and saved by you in the same way as it's being done during login.

Handling session refreshing#

If any of your API calls return with a status code of 401, it means that the access token has expired. This will require you to refresh the session before retrying the same API call.

You can call the refresh API as follows:

Your app's name:*
Information about the question
This is the name of your application
API Domain:*
Information about the question
This is the URL of your app's API server.
API Base Path:
Information about the question
SuperTokens will expose it's APIs scoped by this base API path.
Website Domain:*
Information about the question
This is the URL of your website.
Website Base Path:
Information about the question
The path where the login UI will be rendered
Submit form
curl --location --request POST '<YOUR_API_DOMAIN>/auth/session/refresh' \--header 'rid: session' \--header 'Cookie: sRefreshToken=...; sIdRefreshToken=...'

You may also need to add the anti-csrf header to the request if that was provided to you during sign in.

The result of a session refresh will be either:

  • Status code 200: This implies a succesful refresh. The set of tokens returned here will be the same as when the user logs in, so you can handle them in the same way.
  • Status code 401: This means that the refresh token is invalid, or has been revoked. You must ask the user to relogin. Remember to clear the front-token and id-refresh-token that you saved on the frontend eariler.